Monday, November 30, 2009

This is the Begining...

Well where do I even start..last night I searched for weight loss tips and crossed a young girls blog of her weight loss, and thought "maybe that might work for me", I mean what do I got to lose, but the weight lol I know Im lame, but anyways Im only 19 years old 5'6 and 245..I wasnt always overweight though. I mean i started gaining weight when I was about 11 right after my dad passed. Im so done with being over weight and feeling like the odd one, when I go out with my friends I know im the fat girl of the group, I mean I don't want to be skinny just healthy. I want to to feel wanted, Im so tired of being told "you have a pretty face". Not only do I want to look better, I want to feel better. So im hoping this will work, I have already gone grocery shopping with a friend of mine he is such a health freak so, he will be helping me with my eating habits. As for execising Im going to start off slow with walks in the morning and a small routine at night. My goal is to eventually by this time next year be 165 that is total weight loss of 80 pounds..its going to be hard but Im determined and ready for the NEW ME :) Im posting my "before" pics in this blog, and i'll be updating every 1st of the wish me good luck and if you got any advice its welcome :) please be nice thankss

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